I’m NOT sorry UKTV: I will “pirate”!

Aractus 21, September, 2016

Right. It’s been exactly one year since my last deliberately provocative post on copyright. Then I was talking about Doctor Who and our inferior quality experience in Australia. Here we have Red Dwarf S11E01 which isn’t even yet scheduled for Australian broadcast. Now I am not a fan of online streaming, and I will never be a fan. In the video above I explain why, but also consider the fact that I can’t stream it to my TV which is where I want to watch the video – the service above exclusively allows me to stream it to my PC! Not only that, but it forces users to use flash – that wouldn’t be so bad if the website was secure, but it’s still god-damned obsolete technology!! The quality of the video is frankly, terrible. It should at least be made available in 720p.

Now to prove my point, my video above does not force you to use flash. It’s a plain HTML5 video element that you are free to save to your hard disk. As you can see, I could have easily recorded the flash video anyway, it’s not like anything would prevent me from doing so. The streaming version was very low quality (not unlike iView) and the episode wasn’t that great either. On the upside I can say that between mvp-hosts and ublock-o no ads were to be seen.

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