The Old Testament

Aractus 27, August, 2012

One of the arguments we often see placed to Christians, and to Jews, is that the Old Testament books have been altered over time, and so we no longer have “original” copies of the works, but rather copies of copies of copies riddled with errors. In fact even some Jews believed that the Isaiah prophecies […]

Toxic Relationships?

Aractus 06, December, 2010

Before we get started, let me refer to an article in Sunday’s Canberra Times noting that Bryant’s Mother recently said that asking her son to plead guilty is her biggest regret and that she believes there are important questions left unanswered. I will note it says she now sees her son once a fortnight; I […]

Paul and Luke

Aractus 03, November, 2010

To those who may not think there’s more to the last blog entry, you’re dead wrong. I’ve begun work on new research, and once that is complete I will do a blog entry on it. Today we’re going to talk about the reliability of the NT books, in particular those by the Apostle Paul, and […]

Challenging our methodologies

Aractus 28, August, 2010

In my last article I touched on a subject that transverses several of my interests; God, the Bible, Jewish history, Christian traditions, Jewish traditions, Christian history, the power of assumption and conjecture, the ignoring of evidence. Today we’re going to have a look at our methodology; something that transverses many of my other interests: Science, […]

The Name of God

Aractus 21, July, 2010

Many people know that I don’t consider Wikipeda to be of much use as an authoritative encyclopaedia. This is true of God’s Name. In fact, they have several pages – Tetragrammaton, Jehovah and Yahweh when they should only have one. I feel the need to explain this because I’m going to reveal what God’s name […]

The purpose-driven “greater good”.

Aractus 06, July, 2010

I’m not a fan of Rick Warren, never have been, never will be. I think he gives Christians a bad name, and that he’s a lukewarm Christian at best. Most of all though, I think he completely fails to preach the good news, and instead preaches a “feel good” gospel filled with practical advice. It […]